7. Developer Tutorial: Custom tooltips

We designed Escher to be easily extended by anyone willing to learn a little JavaScript. A few extensions to Escher already exist; you can check out our demos and see Escher in action on the Protein Data Bank. Escher uses standard web technologies (JavaScript, CSS, HTML, SVG), so you can embed it in any web page. We also hope to see users extend the maps by integrating plots, dynamic interactions, and more.

In this tutorial, I will introduce a new extension mechanism in Escher: custom tooltips. The tooltips are already available on Escher maps when you hover over a reaction, metabolite, or gene. The default tooltips provide some information about the object you are hovering over, but any text, links, or pictures could potentially be displayed there.

With a little bit of JavaScript, you can add your own content to the tooltips. In this tutorial, we will add custom text, images, and then plots with D3.js to the tooltips. Here’s what were are building up to (live demo):


To follow along with this tutorial, you will need a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SVG. If you have never used these before, check out codecademy.

On the other hand, if you already know JavaScript and the basic Escher API, you can skip to the section Custom tooltips.

7.1. Getting ready to develop with Escher

Before you can make any changes to an Escher map, you will download some source code and set up a local web server. Your local version of Escher will have all of the features from the main website, but you will be able to modify the visualizations and add your own content. First we need to start up a basic static file server.

NOTE: If you already have experience with JavaScript development, you might want to download Escher from NPM (as escher). If you like Webpack, check out the escher-test repository.

To get started, download this ZIP file. If you prefer to use git for version control, you can also clone the source code from GitHub.

Then, in your favorite terminal, navigate to into the folder (the one that contains README.md), and run one of the following commands to start a web server. You will need to have Python or node.js installed first; if you don’t have either, get started with Python first.

# python 2
python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer; m = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.extensions_map; m[''] = 'text/plain'; m.update(dict([(k, v + ';charset=UTF-8') for k, v in m.items()])); SimpleHTTPServer.test();"

# python 3
python -m http.server

# node.js
http-server -p 8000

Open http://localhost:8000/ to see the your web server in action. It should look just like the site here: https://escher.github.io/escher-demo/.

Now, any changes you make to the code in that folder will be reflected next time you refresh you browser! Try editing the file embedded_map_builder/index.html, then reload your web browser to see what you’ve changed.

You can see what’s happening under the hood by opening your developer tools (Chrome, Firefox) where you can debug your code and check for error messages.

7.2. How does Escher work?

The starting point for an Escher map is the Builder class. When you create a Builder, you pass in options that define how the map will render: what to display, whether to allow editing, how to style the map, and more. These options are documented in the JavaScript API.

The most basic demo is in the folder embedded_map_builder. Look for the main.js file that contains a section of JavaScript code that looks like this:

d3.json('e_coli.iJO1366.central_metabolism.json', function (e, data) {
  if (e) console.warn(e);
  var options = { menu: 'all', fill_screen: true };
  var b = escher.Builder(data, null, null, d3.select('#map_container'), options);

That code does three things. First, it uses D3 to load a file (the one that ends in .json) that contains the layout for a pathway map. Second, it defines some options for the map. And third, it creates a new Builder, passing in the loaded data. Escher needs to know where to render the map, so the fourth argument points to a location on the page (a DOM element) using D3. Check the HTML in index.html and you will find the line <div id="map_container"></div>. This is where Escher lives.

To test your setup, change the menu option from all to zoom, reload the page, and see what happens.

Now you are ready to extend Escher!

7.3. Custom tooltips

We’ve designed the tooltip customization process to be as easy and modular as possible. The Builder will generate a div element to display your tooltip whenever you mouse over a label or map object associated with a reaction or metabolite. The only consideration that must be made is that a getSize function that returns an object with both height and width properties should be implemented within the tooltip. Otherwise the Builder willa assume that your tooltip is 270px wide and 100px tall. We’ll start with a a basic tooltip that includes a random picture. You can view your currently deployad code at: http://localhost:8000/custom_tooltips.

7.4. Method 1: Tooltip with random pics

To start, we’ll just display a simple tooltip with a random image from unsplash. Change the tooltip_component option at the bottom of the file to Tooltip1 which looks like this:

const Tooltip1 = props => {
  return (
    // Style the text based on our tooltip_style object
    h('div', { style: tooltipStyle},
      // Update the text to read out the identifier biggId
      'Hello tinier ' + props.biggId,
      // Line break
      // Add a picture. Get a random pic from unsplash, with ID between 0 and 1000.
      h('img', { src: 'https://unsplash.it/100/100?image=' +  Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) })

Try it out! You should get a tooltip like this, with a different picture every time:

7.5. Method 2: Tooltip with a D3 plot

What if we want a data plot in the tooltip? D3.js is great for creating custom plots, so let’s start with this example of a bar plot in D3:


D3 takes a little while to learn, so, if you are interested in expanding on what we show here, I recommend you read through some D3 tutorials. I will only explain the main points here, and you can work through the details as you learn D3.

The complete code for Tooltip2 with bar charts is in custom_tooltips/main.js.

var tooltips_4 = function (args) {
  // Use the tinier.render function to render any changes each time the
  // tooltip gets called
    // Create a new div element inside args.el
      // Style the text based on our tooltip_style object
      { style: tooltip_style }

So we still create and style a tooltip, but now we are going to fill it with a plot. Next, we take the biggID for our reaction, metabolite, or gene, and we calculate the frequency of each letter.

// Let's calculate the frequency of letters in the ID
var letters = calculateLetterFrequency(args.state.biggId)

You can look at the calculateLetterFrequency function; basic JavaScript.

function calculateLetterFrequency (s) {
  var counts = {}
  s.toUpperCase().split('').map(function (c) {
    if (!(c in counts)) {
      counts[c] = 1
    } else {
      counts[c] += 1
  return Object.keys(counts).map(function (k) {
    return { letter: k, frequency: counts[k] }

The rest of Tooltip2 takes our frequency data and turns it into a bar chart. This code is just an adaptation of the example we mentioned above:


For the details on how this works, check out the tutorials called “How to build a bar chart.” The end result looks like this:


Pretty cool! This is also the version that’s live on the demo website, so you can see it in action there as well. .. image:: _static/tooltip_image.png

7.6. Method 2: Callback function with Tinier for rendering

The shortcuts we will use are part a the `Tinier`_ library. Tinier looks a lot like the popular JavaScript framework React, but it is meant to be tiny (get it?) and modular so you can use it just to render a few DOM elements inside a tooltip. (In place of Tinier, you could also use a library like JQuery. That’s not a bad idea if you alreay have experience with it.)

The reasons for using Tinier will be a lot more obvious if we look at the second tooltip. Here is the code. NOTE: If you look at the code in escher-demo, tooltip_2 is more complicated. We are working up to that version.

var tooltips_2 = function (args) {
  // Use the tinier.render function to render any changes each time the
  // tooltip gets called
    // Create a new div element inside args.el
      // Style the text based on our tooltip_style object
      { style: tooltip_style},
      // Update the text to read out the identifier biggId
      'Hello tinier ' + args.state.biggId

OK, let’s compare tooltips_2 to tooltips_1. Both functions take args, and both function render something inside of args.el. The new function uses two pieces of Tinier. First, tinier.render will take a location on the page (args.el) and render a Tinier element. Second, tinier.createElement defines a Tinier version of a DOM element, in this case a div. To create an Alement, you pass in a tag name, an object with attributes for the element like styles, and any children of the div. In this case, the only child is some text that says ‘Hello tinier’ with the biggId.

If you compare tootips_2 and tooltips_1 in detail, you might notice that tooltips_2 does not have any if statements. That’s becuase Tinier lets you define your interface once, up front, and then it will determine whether any changes need to be made. If a div already exists, Tinier will just modify it instead of creating a new one. In the old version, we would have to use if to check whether changes are necessary.

Change tooltips_1 to tooltips_2 in this block, and refresh to see our new tooltip in action.

var options = {
  menu: 'zoom',
  fill_screen: true,
  // --------------------------------------------------
  tooltip_component: tooltips_2,
  // --------------------------------------------------